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At Holiday Shores we have many Committees and Clubs, below is a list of them. If you have a question about any of the committees or clubs feel free to contact the Chairperson. If there is no phone number or contact information, call Karla at 618-656-7233 EXT 4 and she can direct you.


Boating Rules & Regulations

Chair: Ben Kelley

Henry Halverson

Anthony Harrell

Roger Rawson

Keith Schultz

Monte Thus


Building Committee
Chair: Mike Parker,

Brad Krome

Mark Mantei

Angie Webster

The Building Committee approves, monitors and closes various building requests in order to enforce the Holiday Shores building rules, as adopted by the Board of Directors. The Building Committee meets every first and third Tuesday of the month @ 6:30 pm in the library in the lower level of the association office.


Communication and Media Committee

Chair: Rich Fennell


Covenants, Bylaws & Rules
Chair: Jim McCann

Dave Decker

Jennifer Halverson

Review and revise the rules of Holiday Shores.


Hearing Committee
Chair: Ty Van Ryswyk

John Crotty

Dave Decker

Jerry Theodor

Brian Sciranko

Jim McCann

Hears disputes and discrepancies for fines and charges against members.


Finance Committee
Chair: Tony Harris, 618-340-1741

David Decker

Ray Garber

Angie Webster

Shaun Diltz

Amanda Shive
Planning the budgets & finance management for our community.


Fishing Committee

Chair: Trent Foiles

Secretary/Treasurer: Brian Wood

Shaun Diltz

Matt Ressler

Jason Lowry

Todd Schmidt


Our club focuses on keeping the lake and its inhabitants healthy.


Garden Club

President: Linda Campbell 618-980-4133

Vice President: Mary Blackburn

Secretary: Patti Brown

Co-Treasurers: Kathy Wilhite & Kim Gentile

The objective of this club shall be to provide a source of information and to stimulate a love of gardening among our members and other residents in our area of Holiday Shores. The focus of the club is to concentrate on the beautification of the community.


IT Committee

Chair: Rich Fennell

Shaun Diltz


Lake Management Committee
Chair: Don Austin

Tom Hough

Jerry Theodore

Manages the health of the lake.


Nominating Committee

Need Volunteers

Every year they rally the members of Holiday Shores to run for the open spots in the Board of Directors.



Roger Rawson / Kris Williams

Holiday Shores Pickleballers on Facebook & GroupMe


Real Estate Planning & Development
Beth Bowles

Ray Garber
Linda Thus

Kim Unfried


Safety Committee
Chair: Katie Wiblemo

Co-Chair: Joe Gulash

Neighborhood Watch Captain Lead: Jessica Henke


Senior Club

Chair: Kathy Austin, 692-6054

Treasurer: Kathy Wilhite

Secretary: Peggy Cox


Ski Club
President: Ben Kelley

Vice President: Tony Jones

Secretary: Laurie Boeser

Treasurer: Kevin Stajkowski

Equipment Director: Maddox Evans

Safety Director: Carter Burford

Show Director: Norm Rhea

There is a lot of fun to be had in the Ski Club! Not only do we have classes for first time Skiers but we also have advanced classes and tournaments for our more seasoned members.


Social Committee
President: Jennifer Gillan 618-780-1005 (

Vice President: Marcy Stein

Secretary: Kellyn Carlton

Treasurer: Roxanne Bolla

We, the dedicated members of the Holiday Shores Social Committee, are a group of residents from Holidays Shores that volunteer our time and effort throughout the year providing our residents with various social activities. As a financially self-sustaining organization, we strive to enhance our community by sponsoring an assortment of social events that promote unity, friendship, fun, sharing, family and fellowship. We achieve this by planning events on and off the beautiful lake our neighborhood is built around. Annual events include a variety of holiday dances, boat regatta/beach party, Easter egg hunt, breakfast with Santa, and more. As members of the Holiday Shores Social Committee, we volunteer our time for these events so our residents have the opportunity to meet one another and interact as a community.


Tiki Bar Bass Club

Chair: Alan Boeser, 406-9667

Vice Chair: Dalton Wesley

Secretary/Treasurer: Jason Lowry
While not a committee of Holiday Shores they do hold bass fishing tournaments at Holiday Shores Marina.

They also organize the Garrett Steele Memorial Kid's Fishing Derby every year.


Welcome Wagon

Chair: Linda Campbell 618-980-4133

Pam Maibaum

Gay Early

Molly Gamette

Our group focuses on welcoming all the new members of Holiday Shores. We put together welcome baskets and provide info on clubs, churches, local vendors and restaurants and deliver them to our new neighbors.

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